Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Sekinchan is a small town located in the state of Selangor, Malaysia. Sekinchan is about 102 km of the north of Kuala Lumpur, 28 km from Kuala Selangor. Sekinchan is a little town in the middle of the main rice-bowl area of Selangor, in the Sabak Bernam district. Sekinchan is one of the major rice producing areas of Malaysia.

Sekinchan in Chinese mean "village suitable for plantation', the land and weather of Sekinchan is suitable for farming of paddy, fruits and palm tree. Sekinchan is the highest rice production per acre in Malaysia. Total farming land paddy and fruits is about 4,300 acres. You can see a wide green paddy field in your right when you arrive Sekinchan. Sekinchan also popular as a fishing village.
Sekinchan is located in Sabak Bernam district, Selangor, and Sekinchan is close to Malacca Strait. Sekinchan consists of four villages, that is Site A, B, C and Bagan. Sekinchan population is mainly Chinese. Site A has total of 200 household, most of them is Hokkien. 90% of the residences are farmers. Site B is the largest village, Site B has over 400 households, most of them are Cantonese and Hakka, beside involve in agriculture, the villagers in Site B also involve in Business. There are many of old shops, coffee shop and grocery stores in the main street are owned by Site B villagers. Site C is the smallest village that inhabited by rice farmers, about 350 household.

Bagan is a fishing village in Sekinchan, 90% of the population is Teow Chew, the main economy activities in Bagan is fishery. The fisherman go out to catch fish at the morning about 4-5 am, come back around 5 pm with a lot fresh sea fish and prawn.

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