Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Sekinchan Attraction

Sekinchan is a small, cozy farming and fishing village just north of Kuala Lumpur. Sekinchan has gotten extremely popular over the years with city slickers from KL heading over to enjoy the simpler things in life. Sekinchan is well known for its mechanised farming methods and high yield of rice.
The ride to Sekinchan is scenic with oil palm trees along the coastal road, stalls selling handmade cotton pillows, eateries offering a wide variety of local delicacies, and suddenly, almost in the middle of nowhere, vast expanses of paddy fields bordering a stretch of fishing villages.
This small and peaceful town has a unique dual characters, Sekinchan is both a fishing village as well as a rice producing area. Drive north along the main highway that cuts through the town and you will see vast expanses of paddy field on your right. Take the left turn when you reach town and you see a busy fishing port. This is an Interesting place.
Sekinchan is a new fast develop new tourist location in Selangor, Malaysia. Following is the main attractions in Sekinchan / Sekinchan Attraction.
  1. Wide View Of Paddy Field
  2. Calm and Busy Fishing Village
  3. Amazing Migratory Bird Watching
  4. Place Of Worship
  5. Special Build Bird House (Swiftlet Farming)
  6. Windy Redang Beach with the beautiful Sunset
  7. Fresh Fruits
  8. Delicious Fresh Seafood

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