Sunday, September 18, 2022

Historic Cities of the Straits of Malacca – Melaka (Malacca)

Melaka is a historic city of the Straits of Malacca have been developed since 15th-century of trading and cultural exchanges between East and West in the Straits of Malacca. Melaka with over 500 years history, the influences of Asia and Europe have endowed the towns with a specific multi-cultural heritage that is both tangible and intangible.

With its government buildings, squares, mosques, churches, temple and fortifications, Melaka demonstrates the early stages of this history originating in the 15th-century Malay sultanate and the Portuguese and Dutch periods beginning in the early 16th century. Featuring residential and commercial buildings, Melaka constitutes a unique culture and architectural townscape without parallel anywhere in East and Southeast Asia.

In Malaysia, Melaka is remarkable examples of historic colonial towns on the Straits of Malacca that demonstrate a succession of historical and cultural influences arising from their former function as trading ports linking East and West. These are the complete surviving historic city centres on the Straits of Malacca with a multi-cultural living heritage originating from the trade routes from Great Britain and Europe through the Middle East, the Indian subcontinent and the Malay Archipelago to China. Melaka bears the testimony to a living multi-cultural heritage and tradition of Asia, where the many religions and cultures met and coexisted. Town of Malacca reflects the coming together of cultural elements from the Malay Archipelago, India and China with those of Europe, to create a unique architecture, culture and townscape.

Melaka represents exceptional examples of multi-cultural trading towns in Southeast and East Asia, forged from the mercantile and exchanges of Malay, Indian and Chinese cultures and three successive European colonial powers for almost 500 years, each with its imprints on the architecture and urban form, technology and monumental art.

Melaka is living testimony to the multi-cultural heritage and tradition of Asia, and European colonial influences. This multi-cultural tangible and intangible heritage is expressed in the great variety of religious buildings of different faiths, the many languages, ethnic quarters, dances, costumes, art and music, food, worship and religious festivals, and daily life.

Historical And Religious Attractions

  1. Dutch Square (Red Square) Malacca (Melaka)
  2. Dutch Square (Red Square)
  3. The Stadthuys
  4. Christ Church Melaka
  5. A Famosa (Kota A Famosa)
  6. Saint Paul’s Church
  7. Melaka Sultanate Palace Museum
  8. Samudera Museum
  9. Baba & Nyonya Heritage Museum
  10. Kampung Kling Mosque
  11. Malacca Straits Mosque
  12. Cheng Hoon Teng Temple
  13. Poh San Teng Temple
  14. Sri Poyyatha Vinayaga Moorthy Temple
  15. Church of St. Francis Xavier
  16. Hang Tuah Center
  17. Melaka Historical Vehicle Park
Please visit Malacca Attractions for more information. 

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