Friday, September 11, 2009

Benefits Of Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkins / Pads

What Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkins have done for some of the users:

The Love Moon Sanitary Napkin can be used during the menstrual cycle and as liners as needed for protection. However, they may also be used as treatment. The treatment may last anywhere from 1 to 2 cases of the pads. Most of the time, the results happen sooner.

But, we have to keep in mind that everyone's body may respond differently, and we have to listen to our bodies to be able to tell if we need more treatment.

From the personal experiences of users of Love Moon Sanitary Napkin, we have results of the following being treated along with other concerns:

  1. ovarian cysts
  2. yeast infection
  3. genital herpes
  4. uterine fibroids
  5. cervical erosion
  6. hormonal imbalance
  7. irregular menstrual cycle
  8. bladder infection
  9. bladder control
  10. hemorrhoids

Please note, these statements are not medical advise. Please consult with your doctor about any health concerns. Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkins have no side effects, so you can experiment with your issues and give us feedback of what anion pads has done for you.

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