Monday, September 14, 2009

The Symptoms of Yeast Infections

The most common type of yeast infection which affects women is vaginal yeast infection. Many other parts of the body can be affected by the yeast fungus causing infections and the major symptom is itching. You may also experience burning sensation when you urinate.

Another common symptom is thick curd like discharge from the vagina. However, the most terrible symptom can be experienced while having sexual intercourse. It can include irritation, pain and bloody discharge as well. When you have these symptoms, it is always important to consult a doctor for confirmation because these symptoms do not mean that you are a victim of yeast infection only.

Sexually transmitted diseases are worse than yeast infections because they can be bacterial or viral. Therefore, you need to consult a doctor and know the cause of the symptoms. Those who have gone through yeast infections before would know better how to deal with the problem, but people who have special cases such as pregnant women and diabetic people need to see a doctor first before self medicating.

Men suffering from yeast infections may experience burning sensation and itching on the foreskin of their penis. Their penis may get tender and sore and also discharge some whitish substance. They may also develop patches on the skin. Their skin may get flaky and itchy.

People who have severe cases of the yeast infection may feel weak and tired. The other symptoms of yeast infection may include bloated stomach, constipation and indigestion. This usually results when the yeast fungus have aggregated rapidly in the gut and made digestion of food compromised.

At least seventy percent of women go through yeast infections at some point in their lives. There are also many women who have to experience recurring yeast infections for more than four times in a single year.

Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor when you start experiencing symptoms of yeast infections so that you can learn the causes of it and the ways to combat it. Moreover, it is even better if you could simply keep these infections at bay so that you don't have to deal with them.

Cure your yeast infection forever by following this link, or read more free articles on this topic such as the treatment for yeast infections

Article Source:

Anion Sanitary Napkin can effectively restrict the growth and survival of bacteria and viruses, vaginal infection, improves secretion, activates metabolism and increases immunity. They are also effective in hemorrhoids relief, resisting bacteria, reducing inflammation, adjusting pressure, reducing odor and removing tiredness.

Friday, September 11, 2009

The Miracle Of Negative Ion (Anion) Sanitary Napkin

The Miracle Of Negative Ion (Anion) Sanitary Napkin

Negative ions strip used in Sanitary napkins, and once moisture reaches the strip, it activates it and starts generating anions

Every cm cubic of the anionic padding in each piece of Love Moon Anion Sanitary Pad can release up to 5800 negative ion (anion). The Intensity of negative ion (anion) released will effectively suppress the survival and multiplication of bacteria and viruses on the sanitary napkins.

The Negative Ion Chip releases large amount of oxygen, has a balanced PH level and enhances hormonal balance that effectively improves incretion, strengthening immunity, reducing stress, eliminating vaginal infection, bacteria; treating inflammation, eradicating odor, removing fatigue and ect. Tissue oxygenation increases blood flow to the effected area, promotes healing, which will help with such conditions as hemorrhoids.

Most of the bacteria that cause gynecological issues are anaerobe, which will die within 30 seconds to 1 minute in oxygen - just as man will die without oxygen and fish will die without water within 10 minutes. Hence large quantities of negative ions and oxygen can penetrate the body easily, thus killing the very causes of diseases - bacteria and viruses.

At the same time, the negative ion chip can radiate far infrared with 4-14 um wavelength, which is the right electromagnetic wave band for reducing inflammation.

Negative ions (Anion) will move up to the womb through the vagina, improving blood circulation. Thus, the silt and blood clot stored long in the vagina can be discharged more smoothly. The womb can be repaired and improvements can be expected in 3-5 days. Then, inflammation disappears and no smell is left.

Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkin can effectively restrict the growth and survival of vaginal infection, bacteria and viruses, activates metabolism, improves secretion, and increases immunity. They are also effective in hemorrhoids relief, adjusting pressure, resisting bacteria, reducing inflammation, reducing odor and removing tiredness.

Benefits Of Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkins / Pads

What Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkins have done for some of the users:

The Love Moon Sanitary Napkin can be used during the menstrual cycle and as liners as needed for protection. However, they may also be used as treatment. The treatment may last anywhere from 1 to 2 cases of the pads. Most of the time, the results happen sooner.

But, we have to keep in mind that everyone's body may respond differently, and we have to listen to our bodies to be able to tell if we need more treatment.

From the personal experiences of users of Love Moon Sanitary Napkin, we have results of the following being treated along with other concerns:

  1. ovarian cysts
  2. yeast infection
  3. genital herpes
  4. uterine fibroids
  5. cervical erosion
  6. hormonal imbalance
  7. irregular menstrual cycle
  8. bladder infection
  9. bladder control
  10. hemorrhoids

Please note, these statements are not medical advise. Please consult with your doctor about any health concerns. Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkins have no side effects, so you can experiment with your issues and give us feedback of what anion pads has done for you.


Do you know “anions” (or negative ions)?

Under normal circumstances, the air molecules or atoms are neutral. Due to natural ionization caused by cosmic rays, ultraviolet rays, micro radiation, lightning and thunder etc, some air molecules will lose some electrons that were orbiting around the nucleus and these free electrons with negative charge will combine with other neutral air molecules to make them negatively charged. These are the negative ions in the air. They are colourless, odorless and have strong absorption capability to absorb micro particles in the air to remove dust and bacteria. Anions in the air are as important as vitamins in the food and are given such names as ‘air vitamin’, ‘longevity element’, ‘air scavenger’ etc.

Anions have special significance to human health. Their effects should not be underestimated. They can have extraordinary absorption capability to gather the particles, bacteria and viruses which are normally of positive charge and neutralize them. They can enter the cells of the bacteria to kill off the bacteria. More anions in the air would mean fewer bacteria and when the concentration of anions reaches a certain level, the number of bacteria would be reduced to zero.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has specified that the anion content in the air should not be lower than 1,000 per cc. In certain types of environment (such as the mountainous area), the inhabitants are free from troubles of inflammation and generally live longer. This is obviously related to the fact that the air there contains abundant anions.

The positive effects of anions in the field of medical health care have in recent years attracted extensive attention worldwide. After many years of research, Winalite Technology Co. Limited of Shenzhen had successfully developed the healthcare sanitary napkin to turn this ordinary product into one with high value added and high-tech content, making it possible to be granted national patents. The anionic tape in our sanitary napkin can emit 6,070 anions per cc to effectively inhibit the survival and duplication of bacteria and viruses, which are the causes of vaginitis. Almost all types of female genital inflammation are caused by anaerobic bacteria. When the anionic tape in the pad emits high density of anions, it also produces abundant ionized oxygen to fundamentally change the anaerobic environment, promote biological enzymic transformation and balance the acidity and alkalinity. At the same time, under normal temperature, it can emit biological magnetic wave of wavelength 4 to 14 micron at more than 90% emission rate which is beneficial to the human body as it can activate the water molecules in the cells to make them exist at high energy level suitable for synthesis of biological enzymes. This is therefore a purely physical process to achieve the antibacterial and deodorization functions, to care for the woman’s health through technology and to benefit all women.