Friday, July 17, 2009

Sanitary Napkin with Anion (Negative Ion)

The world now is popular with a sanitary napkin with anion (negative ion). This sanitary called as Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkin / Love Moon Sanitary Napkins. Anion Sanitary Napkins is a product from a China manufacturer, Love Moon sanitary napkins can be popular within two - three years because of their marketing strategy with using network markeing (Multi Level Marketing).

Love Moon - Anion Sanitary Napkin (Pad) is a tech product in this modern world, the Anion (Negative Ion) Chip in Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkins can release up to 5,800-6,070 Negative Ion (Anion) per cubic cm. The intensity of Negative Ion (Anion) released will effective suppresses the survival and multiplication of bacteria on the sanitary napkin. Anion (Negative Ion) in Anion Sanitary Pads can help regulate body functions such as antibacterial capabilities, deodorization, through purely physical processes. Love Moon Sanitary Napkin is the first and only hygienic antibacterial sanitary napkin in the market today. Helps women to prevent bacterial multiplication, eliminates odor and promotes comfort during menstrual period.

Anion (Negative Ion) on the Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkin able to suppresses the survival and multiplication of bacteria on the sanitary napkin. Anion in Love Moon Sanitary Napkin release up to 5800 negative ions per cubic cm which has been proven in numerous scientific studies to protect against genital diseases, eliminating harmful bacteria, odor, enhance comfort and improve your health.

Please visit Women Health to know more information about menstruation, vaginal infection and sanitary napkins.

Power Of Numbers

In Malaysia, a new discovery of numerology call as Power Of Numbers become dominate in Numerology. This knowledge is totally different that other numerology in western world. Power Of Numbers has combine with Chinese Five Elements, this combination has give extra information about health, interpersonal, human relationship and career development, this is not get in traditional numerology. By simply taking the Date of Birth (Birthday Numerology) of an individual and charting Date Of Birth into an inverted triangle using the Pythagorean method of calculation, a person’s “Destiny and Fate” is revealed in the Numbers.

From above triangle, we able to know about the characters, personality, interpersonal, health, special life events etc.

Dr Oliver Tan and Daniel Hu, two popular trainers in this Power Of Numbers has done a lot studies in Pattern Numbers, they discovery a lot patterns numbers appear in above triangle. This pattern numbers can tells us about their marriage, health situation, personal safety, emotional etc.

Dr Oliver Tan has wrote a book call "Power Of Numbers" to introduce his discovery of Numerology to the world.